
Towards circular carpet

Programme complet

Towards circular carpet

Ansgar Paschen , Leiter Maschinentechnologie - TFI – Institut für Boden- und Raumsysteme an der RWTH Aachen e.V.

mardi 03 juin 2025
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Seminar Room - English spoken

In the context of CISUFLO a fully circular carpet on PA6 basis could be manufactured. It fullfills all requirements and is fully recyclable to new raw materials for carpets. Also the concept of separating the layers after use for a wide range of applications could be proven. These concepts also work for carpet tiles without any limitations for use or life span. The novel concepts result in a significant reduction of the Global warming potential (GWP) and are a important starting point for the “green transition” of the industry.



Bio Dr. Ansgar Paschen
Education: Study of Mechanical engineering with specialization „Textile Technology“, degree PhD
Professional experience: 18 years positions as technologist and Head of Technology at several manufacturers of Textile Machinery
Actual: Team leader Machine Technology at TFI – Institut für Boden- und Raumsysteme an der RWTH Aachen e.V.

Retour Ajouter à mon programme Ajouter au calendrier 2025-06-03 12:00 2025-06-03 12:35 Towards circular carpet Seminar Room

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