
Circular business models useful for the flooring industry

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Circular business models useful for the flooring industry

Rick Gilsing, Researcher & Business Consultant at TNO

mardi 03 juin 2025
icons8-watch Created with Sketch. 14:15-14:30
Seminar Room - English spoken

This presentation offers insights on circular business models that can be employed by future value chains to realize circular impact. In this presentation, we will list important challenges faced by the flooring industry to achieve circular impact, and reflect on how different circular business models may help to overcome these challenges. We describe what roles individual stakeholders in flooring value chains have to enable circular business models. In addition, we reflect on how value can be captured through different circular propositions, supporting the selection between different circular business model options.



Rick Gilsing is a researcher and business consultant at TNO, the Netherlands.

His work focuses on the design, analysis and evaluation of new business models to create economic, social and sustainable impact. His work emphasizes looking at how organizations and stakeholders as part of ecosystems and value chains can collaborate to achieve greater impact or overcome barriers and challenges towards systemic change. To enable this, a highly interactive and collaborative business modelling approach is used to bring stakeholders closer together.

Retour Ajouter à mon programme Ajouter au calendrier 2025-06-03 14:15 2025-06-03 14:30 Circular business models useful for the flooring industry Seminar Room

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